Successful PLC/PLN


A group of 8 Anishanabemowin Language Teachers collaborated in a variety of ways to explore student success/engagement around second language learning.

The communication platforms included: 
- Website
- Office 360 Groups, connect and share
- Schedualled meetings
- Monitorship/ peer support

Problem of Practice: 
- local dialect support
- Increasing conversational skills
- connection to culture/relationship building with community

The group studied: 
- relationships of successful French teaching/learning practices
- development of version of CEFR
- development of shared resources
- technology support
- collection of Elder Voices

Indicators of success: 
- Pedagogical documentation - ongoing
- Assessment/evaluation, determine conversational fluency
- Platforms for sharing


  1. Connection of Anishanabemowin teachers with other additional language (French) expertise and input from Elders sounds to be right in line with the spirit of PLCs (as i see them/believe they should be).


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